By: Chuck Bentley, Crown Financial Ministries

Dear Chuck,

I like nice, quality things. My husband prefers lower prices. My perspective is that buying quality is better in the long run. Is there a right or wrong way to look at it? We are stuck on which refrigerator to buy to replace the old one we have now.

Needing A Compromise

Dear Compromise,

Let’s reframe the choices you have from just two to three. You could get a quality refrigerator, you could get a low priced refrigerator, or you could get the best value refrigerator. The final choice is the best one but getting to the compromise will be the challenge.

My wife and I both like nice things…at a good price. But it can take months to find a deal! My wife, Ann, will research an item to death, whereas I’m ready to buy when I know an item is right for us. The key is learning to work together by honoring each other’s personality and opinions. Both of you can be equally right, and wise decisions can be made through prayer and honest, respectful communication.

There is a time to spend more for quality and longevity. There’s also a time where the extra expense doesn’t matter. However, some people do not understand the difference. Rather than using common sense and trusting the Lord, some people are caught up in the need for luxury.

In The Psychology Behind Why People Buy Luxury Goods, Vanessa Page writes:

People buy luxury goods for a variety of reasons, all of which are related to the strong emotions that we attach to expensive material goods. Whether we are financially comfortable or not, we will often purchase luxury items to show off to or gain acceptance from others and to reward ourselves for an accomplishment.

A good steward has his/her identity in Christ and does not ‘need’ luxury. Quality is different. Here are a few basic things to remember when shopping for the best value: a quality product at a great price. 

Consider the length of ownership to determine what should be quality and what is non-essential. A refrigerator lasts a long time so quality is important. You need to know for certain that it will protect the food you buy for your family. A cat bed, however, is disposable and does not need to be the best on the market.

When to Spend More for Quality

  • Energy efficiency
  • Longer life of the product
  • Dependability
  • Maintenance free

When to Be Frugal

  • Disposable items
  • No difference in quality
  • Functionality is equal
  • Less expensive won’t affect safety or health

Tips on Getting the Best Value

Know what you need to best serve your family. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and talked into spending more money than is necessary because there are so many bells and whistles on appliances today that have little meaningful purpose.

If you shop Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, remember, not all sellers can be trusted. In addition to having no warranty or guarantee that the product will work, you may have to move it yourself. And, when replacing appliances, that means moving out the old ones as well.

Check out sales over holiday weekends and check for online sales. Avoid new models and take advantage of the old stock that retailers want to clear out. The end of the month is a great time to negotiate a purchase because employees working on commission are eager to make more sales. Always ask to see any ‘scratch and dent’ items. They are often significantly discounted for appearances only. 

Ask if there are delivery and installation charges and any fees with hauling away the old appliance. I ignore extended warranties and always research reviews and consumer reports.

Steward Time, Money, and Relationships

The time you put into researching the purchase of a higher costing item can be saved over the life of a product. Do your work upfront. Time is money. Read reviews. Talk to salesmen, people you know, anyone willing and trustworthy to educate you on the purchase.

Pray for discernment and for leading to the right item. Needs and wants should be vetted. God often grants us the desires of our heart when he knows our desire is to use His money wisely. Let your husband know that you are willing to work to find the best value refrigerator and ask for his support.

Seek harmony and peace in your marriage. Respect your spouse’s opinion. Be quick to listen and slow to speak. In humility, present your case with proven research while honoring your husband. If he believes his way is best, then submit in love. Sometimes we have to sacrifice our desires for the good of the marriage. Your relationship is more important than an appliance.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:14-15 ESV)

Published On: June 28th, 2019 / Categories: Consumer, Finance, Home, House / Tags: , , , , /