If you have tried to lower your interest rate or receive forgiveness for late fees but ran into a brick wall with your creditors, it’s time to turn to Christian Credit Counselors. According to an article by Nerd Wallet, credit counselors often succeed where individuals fail. The key is to look for certified credit counselors with experience helping clients through debt consolidation. Having that third-party advocate to argue your case can bring greater legitimacy to your quest to resolve debt repayment problems. Receiving credit counseling isn’t about admitting defeat, but about taking control of your personal finances so you can conquer debt.

Relying On A Team

At Christian Credit Counselors, our team of certified credit counselors contacts your creditors on your behalf to reduce the amount you owe and work out a new payment plan. According to Nerd Wallet, some people feel confused about what exactly a credit counselor does. With credit counseling, you learn how to budget, improve your credit score and avoid pitfalls related to collections accounts and credit card debts that are past due. Because the team at Christian Credit Counselors already has established relationships with hundreds of creditors, they often get better results compared to people who go it alone.

Working On Your Credit Score

Even though you plan to stay out of credit card debt, there are times when taking out a loan at a low-interest rate helps you meet other goals such as home ownership. Another misconception people have is that meeting with a credit counselor will negatively affect their credit score. According to Nerd Wallet, receiving credit counseling does not affect your credit score. People who enroll in a Debt Management Plan and close some of their credit card accounts will see a temporary change, but the long-term benefits outweigh the rest, the Nerd Wallet article points out.

Finding A Reputable Credit Counselors

The search for a good credit counselor is simple. Avoid debt settlement companies and bankruptcy plans that could ruin your credit over a long period of time. Choose a trained and certified credit counselor. Nerd Wallet suggests talking to a credit counseling company and making sure the counselors listen to your situation and craft a specific budget and plan for you.

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