Credit scores are important! A borrower with a low score could pay thousands more in interest over the life of a typical five-year car loan than a consumer with a high score. Past quiz results have indicated that many Americans could improve their credit score knowledge and ability to manage their scores.
How much do you really know about your credit score? How much is myth vs. fact?
To find out, click to take this anonymous 12-question quiz. It doesn’t take long, but the knowledge you gain could go a long way toward improving your own score.
About the Quiz
The Credit Score Quiz and accompanying website,, are informational tools developed by the Consumer Federation of America and VantageScore. They developed the quiz and website to increase consumer knowledge about credit scores and how to improve them. Earlier this year, this quiz was administered to a representative sample of 1,000 adult Americans. The quiz results indicate that many Americans could improve their credit score knowledge and ability to manage their scores.